New rental reveals from TPN’s latest tenant survey
The new TPN tenant survey reveals that more women than men are renting, tenants prefer lower rental escalations, security is a key consideration, and landlords are failing to make repairs.
The new TPN tenant survey reveals that more women than men are renting, tenants prefer lower rental escalations, security is a key consideration, and landlords are failing to make repairs.
While the repo rate is stable, for now, it is unlikely to decrease until 2024, the local economy remains under pressure, especially from continued loadshedding, experts weigh in about what’s in store for the property market in the next few months.
Property practitioners active in both the rental and sales sectors should not be too concerned despite the recent interest rate hikes as business is experiencing a slow economic recovery.
The residential rental sector started to show real signs of renewal in the fourth quarter of 2021 with key national property indicators revealing that the sector is through the worst of the economic storm.
Seeing that the new property laws have come into effect under the Property Practitioners Act (PPA) at the beginning of this month, both homeowners and the property industry at large now have new options available to them when choosing how to manage their deposit.