5 bad habits to break now

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“Having worked closely with sales people for the past 10 years, I’ve noticed a few common habits that hold most people back from truly achieving their goal.”

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Habits are acquired behaviour patterns followed regularly until they become almost involuntary. The problem with bad habits is that sometimes we’re blissfully unaware of the negative impact they may have on our lives and our business success says Grant Gavin, property entrepreneur and owner of RE/MAX Panache. Here’s what he’s picked up…

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1. Stop paying yourself last

Rich people pay themselves first. Poor people pay themselves last. Saving and investing for your future is vital for financial growth – and despite its importance, most people save based on what’s left at the end of the month. The problem comes when you aren’t earning enough to cover expenses and end up with no disposable income to invest at all. Start with your next commission payment, commit to putting away a small amount and build it up from there. You’ll work out how you’re going to pay the others and if necessary, cut out some unnecessary expenses.

2. Don’t waste your 7am to 9am opportunity

Most people are at their most alert first thing in the morning when they arrive for work. Focus on your most important income-producing activities during this time. Avoid the temptation to allow yourself to ease into your day with coffee, emails and office chit-chat. Plan a power hour for first thing in the morning so that you can concentrate on your most productive activities, especially prospecting and lead-generation activities. That way, whatever distractions come your way, you’ve already tackled the most important activities.

3. Avoid checking email every five minutes

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4. Turn off your social media notifications

Social media has an important role to play in your marketing plan, as well as assisting you in maintaining client relationships, but constant Facebook notifications can distract you from being the most productive agent in your office. (They will also drain your cellphone battery!) Top producers are too busy writing up deals and making money. Schedule time for social media as you would any other activity and use Google for some hints on the best times of the day to update your status.

5. Hide the remote

Take the time to work on yourself. Do you hate Mondays? Stop watching Carte Blanche on Sunday evenings and use that hour to prepare for your week. Watch a Ted talk, search online for motivational material or discover new and exciting content for your business. Not only will this put you in the right frame of mind for the week ahead, but watch how your approach to Monday morning changes.

Your advice for a productive day? Tell us in the comment box below…


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