If you are guilty of knowing there are things you must do and yet you just can’t get around to doing it, then this video by top coach Tom Ferry on how to build discipline and get important things done is for you.
You know you must follow-up on enquiries, you know you need to keep your logbook up to date and you fully intend to do it … and yet before you know it another day is passed with little to show for it.
What you need in your life is self-discipline so that you can make the most of your time when you are at work. In the below video Tom Ferry shares advice on the lessons he learned in his own life.
He says the first place to start is how you talk to yourself, your self-narrative, as that will determine your attitude to your work. Just listen to yourself for a minute – do you talk negatively or positively about the things you need to do?
If you need to inject your self-talk with more self-confidence and sunshine, then this video is for you.
Tom Ferry is recognised as one of the top coaches in the real estate industry in the USA. Enjoy the video!