‘This is not leadership’ says Rebosa
Last week the property industry was shocked to learn that Mamodupi Mohlala, the CEO of the Estate Agency Affairs Board, sued an employee for defamation and bullying.
Last week the property industry was shocked to learn that Mamodupi Mohlala, the CEO of the Estate Agency Affairs Board, sued an employee for defamation and bullying.
The Estate Agency Affairs Board has cleared their CEO Mamodupi Mohlala of the allegations of mismanagement made against her. Will the Minister of the Department of Human ….
The transformation of the property sector is a journey that requires the commitment of all industry role players – also the new players included as property professionals in the new Property Professional Act says Dr Eugenia Kula-Ameyaw
One way is by making it mandatory for all property practitioners to have a BEE certificate – but what about single proprietors who are white? Robert Krautkramer, director with legal firm Miltons Matsemela, takes a look at what is meant by BEE compliance in the new Act.