Is rental housing sector ready for new Act?
South Africa’s rental housing scene will see major change once the Rental Housing Amendment Act 35 of 2014 is gazetted into law, notably with more obligations on landlords and more rights for tenants.
South Africa’s rental housing scene will see major change once the Rental Housing Amendment Act 35 of 2014 is gazetted into law, notably with more obligations on landlords and more rights for tenants.
Short-term letting can be a great source of income. But it comes with risks as well. Some guests will overstay their welcome. Some will damage property. How can one protect oneself against these types of guests?
In a recent TPN Credit Bureau survey of 200 companies, most were not yet compliant with the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) which becomes effective on 1 July this year.
More distressed homes are being sold on auction today but read the fine print because standard costs, as well as terms and conditions of these sales, are often different from those of private properties that go under the hammer.