Housing market activity returns to ‘normal’ – massive growth in transfers
After a full year of living under lockdown restrictions of varying levels, the property market seems to have reached an equilibrium.
After a full year of living under lockdown restrictions of varying levels, the property market seems to have reached an equilibrium.
Last week Dr Andrew Golding, CEO of the Pam Golding Property Group, shared his views on the continued interest in the South African real estate industry by foreign buyers. This week we asked Richard Gray of Harcourts what his views ion this important issue is.
A family trust offers individuals an alternative to purchasing the property in their own name. This comes with its own set of pros and cons.
Almost 97% of economists in South Africa expect the SARB to hold the repo rate, but one in five (22%) think the rate should change. A total of 16% are in favour of a rate cut and 5% in favour of an increase.