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Branding power in the luxury property industry

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“Branding is an age-old concept, yet in many cases its value is not fully recognised within the local luxury property market”

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While a strong emphasis on branding within the luxury property market is a notable trend internationally, few South African property developments are following suit. Successful international examples include the Porsche Design Tower in Miami and Armani Hotels & Resorts.

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Considering renowned marketing blogger and entrepreneur Seth Godin’s definition of a brand as “the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another”, it’s clear that a brand encapsulates more than a company’s logo and slogan.

A brand has the power to influence a consumer’s experience and the association a consumer has with your product and services, making it surprising that many South African companies in the property industry aren’t addressing this with greater urgency. Indeed, a brand can ultimately be seen as a stamp of approval that provides consumers with a sense of security. They want to know that they’re investing in a product they can trust. It’s for this reason that Val de Vie has remained true to its core principles that make it the brand it is – one that is recognised locally and internationally as the leading polo estate in South Africa.

Since its inception in 2006, Val de Vie has kept its focus on prioritising an excellent lifestyle, conserving the environment and contributing to social development. While the property developments at Val de Vie differ vastly – including apartments, various home designs and smallholdings as well as offices and soon the Pearl Valley Hotel – they all remain aligned with the greater Val de Vie brand, its values and vision.

Brand enhancement doesn’t necessarily involve a massive budget. Quite simply, an exceptional brand – whether it represents a luxury property development, a company within the industry or yourself – can be achieved through a clear and consistent message, attention to detail, passion and a strong emphasis on consumer experience.

Words Ryk Neethling

Marketing director and shareholder at Val de Vie Estate


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