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“Creative software development studio Sozo Labs says virtual reality and augmented reality is on the verge of revolutionising the South African real estate industry.”

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Virtual walkthroughs allow their prospective buyers and tenants to view multiple properties in the residential, commercial or industrial sectors in a real-life, interactive way. Says Gerrit Kruger, managing director of Sozo Labs: “Buyers have the opportunity to view a property and its surroundings before they see it in person; this lessens the chances of buyers wasting time on a property that isn’t suitable for them.” Kruger says real estate agencies are realising that they have to provide something that will allow them to stand out and secure more sole mandates while making the buyers’ experience smoother.

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“Hotels, venues and highend property have been using the technology for a while, but it has not penetrated the general property market yet, which we feel will change soon. Once consumers get used to 3D scans, we feel demand will keep going up.”


  • Three-dimensional scans using a Matterport camera (3D representation of a real-world location). The link from Matterport can be embedded into a client’s website and linked to their marketing material via a QR code.
  • Mobile property app listing the scans.
  • Custom mobile app development.
  • 3D virtual reality tours of new, not yet built property developments using 3D computer models.



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