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Watch: Tom Ferry on finding your unique selling point

To stand out among thousands of other real estate agents, you need to take time for some introspection and find out what is you and your companies unique selling proposition. Tom Ferry, one of America’s top real estate educators explains how to do that.

We live in a very competitive world today and you choose to be in a competitive environment when you choose to become a real estate agent says Ferry. There are thousands of estate agents and dozens of estate agencies, all in the business of buying, selling and/or renting property. To stand out from among the crowd, you need to know exactly what makes you and your agency different, or to put it in another way, you need to know what is your unique selling proposition or selling point.

A unique selling proposition can be described as what you have to offer that other competitors don’t and will make clients choose you. To help you find out what that is, it will be helpful to ask yourself some questions such as who are the clients that you want to attract and what is most important for them, e.g. getting up to date expert advice, fast and friendly customer service, online connectivity, etc; also, what are the kind of properties that you want to sell.

You might have the most competitive properties to sell, but without a good unique selling point, you could lose clients. Knowing what is your unique selling proposition empowers you to market and engage with clients with greater confidence. If you don’t know what yours is, watch Tom Ferry explain it to you in this video:

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