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Ross Levin

Seeff V&A Waterfront

Why did you decide to pursue a career in property?

I was born into a property family and from a young age used to watch my father in awe as he would sell the ‘dream’ of his developments to his clients, and at the tender age of 14 I was involved in my first sale. I became hooked in my love of all things relating to property.

I have a passion for architecture and in particular architectural solutions in the creation of sustainable and thought through developments.

What do you find to be the most enjoyable and the most challenging aspects of the job?

The job is not just about selling a commodity, it tends to be the buyer’s primary investment and most often their home as well. It becomes a space that our clients use to live out their dreams and matching those requirements in enabling our clients’ pursuits in this regard can be both rewarding and also very challenging.

What characteristics, in your opinion, make for a great estate agent/broker and why?

Our job is to bring both seller and buyer together in what needs to be a happy ‘marriage’ to enable a seamless transfer of the property from one person to another. In today’s market an agent has to be able to be trusted along with having the skills to ‘engineer’ the deal to ensure that all parties involved have their needs addressed.

What are some of your career goals?

Architecture, design and planning is ultimately judged on the success of how the spaces and buildings are lived in or used by its tenants and residents. As a developer and now an estate agent, I always understood that we were salesmen first and foremost, without clients who share in your dream you cannot have a successful development. I am passionate about the lifestyle offerings in my areas (the V&A Waterfront) that I sell in and have been involved in the creation of areas such as Mouille Point which is now called the Platinum Mile, and I look forward to continuing to share my dreams with my clients in the pursuit of theirs.



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