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Tanya Joubert

What are your top three secrets to success?

 1. Decide what you what to achieve and why.

2. Make a definite plan to get there.

3. Work hard to build relationships with people who can help you reach your goals.

What is the one thing you wish someone had taught you or told you when you first started out in property and why?

The fact that you have to work crazy hours. Real estate is a 24/7 job and you have to be willing to share your time with clients at all hours.

What is the most vital business tool that estate agents should have at their disposal in today’s market and why?

Whatever technology enables you to keep up to date with usable information. Having facts and figures at your fingertips is vital for success.

Do you remember the first property you sold? Please tell us about it

My first buyer was from out of town and wanted to meet some Capetonians, so I arranged a summer soirée at a friend’s house and the buyer end up purchasing that property.

What advice would you give to new kids on the block about making a success in their career in property?

Focus on one area and ‘own’ it. Know it backwards, forwards and sideways, and as your reputation grows you will become the agent of choice in that area.

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