The importance of managing deposits with care
Rental deposits belong to the tenant but are managed on behalf of the landlords, so managing them responsibly is complex but crucial.
Rental deposits belong to the tenant but are managed on behalf of the landlords, so managing them responsibly is complex but crucial.
ENGAGE’24 for Rental Portfolios is a groundbreaking online event happening on 11 October 2024, and is tailor-made for clients managing rental portfolios.
How can you strategically enhance and optimise rental assets to deliver maximum returns for investors?
Customers don’t pay for products or services, they pay to have a specific problem – or set of problems – solved. So, focus on communicating what value you offer in the context of your investors’ core problems.
Despite the sizable increase in risk and workload that compliance has added to rental property management recently, few rental management businesses are receiving proportionately higher compensation.