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Adelle Morrissey

Pam Golding Properties Northcliff

Why did you decide to pursue a career in property?

It all started with a game of Monopoly and a challenge! After 15 years in the corporate world I realised that I often referred to “working smarter not harder” in my own presentations, however, I was always working harder and longer and not necessarily realising the rewards.

I started working with a financial coach who taught me many things about building wealth and the importance of understanding a property portfolio.

The penny dropped and I realised I have been so focused on building a career as oppose to building wealth.  A lesson I will hopefully be able to teach my children at a much younger age.

What do you find to be the most enjoyable and the most challenging aspects of the job?

I enjoy the creative freedom and entrepreneurial spirit of being an agent.

“If it’s going to be, it’s up to me!” I can’t remember who said that, but it’s certainly true about being in this profession!  However, it is also what I find the most challenging aspect of the profession.  I have come to realise if you do not have very clear boundary lines in place, you lose focus on maintaining a balance between your personal time and your work time. I have come to running my life like one big project plan: Time, Quality and Budget!

What characteristics, in your opinion, make for a great estate agent/broker and why?

Having character is essential for being a trusted agent. Period. You deal with people’s most valuable assets – their home, their family, their emotions and their future (and even sometimes past mistakes!). It is therefore mission critical that you act with integrity and when you do make a mistake that you own up to it.

What are some of your career goals?

My immediate career goal is to complete my NQF4.  Attending the training courses presented by Joel Harris and Richard Wright has been invaluable.

The team at our Northcliff office is incredibly supportive. They possess a wealth of knowledge and they are always ready to share with a rookie like me. My inspiration for 2014 comes from one of our most respected leaders:

“It always seems impossible.., until it is done.” N Mandela

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