NAMA and University of Pretoria announces new introductory programme in sectional title management

The National Association of Managing Agents (NAMA) believes that education is the best investment and are therefore delighted to announce that NAMA and the University of Pretoria have completed the first phase of a three-year course in sectional title management, says Coenie Groenewald, COO of NAMA.

The new online course is being developed by the Department of Construction Economics at the University of Pretoria (UP) in collaboration with NAMA and Enterprises UP. The introductory programme deals with subjects such as the various legislation applicable to sectional title such as the law of contract, land use management, the creation of a sectional title scheme and dispute resolution.

According to Enterprises UP’s online press statement completing the programme will give portfolio managers and managing agents “the opportunity to gain a solid foundation in all matters relating to sectional titles”. This would include learning about the opening of sectional title registers, occupational health and safety, the dynamics of property transactions, the Sectional Title Management Act and the Community Schemes Ombud Service.

“We are delighted to announce that NAMA and the University of Pretoria, have completed the development of the 1stphase, being the introductory programme, of a three-year course in sectional title management,” Groenewald says.

Groenewald says it has become evident that the sectional title industry should not only be seen as rendering a service and be a “job opportunity” but that it must become a career path. He continued that it is not only important that a community scheme employs the services of an accredited, well-trained and successful managing agent but that a managing agent company can employ a professional property manager.

“Since the latter part of 2016 the NAMA Executive envisioned a joint collaboration with Enterprises University of Pretoria to develop a programme that will not only professionalise the industry but provide a career path for people working in the industry,” Groenewald explained and continued that it was further envisaged that this would move NAMA and the industry closer to widespread acceptance of community scheme management as a profession.

NAMA envisions that this programme will align the organisation with international standards and be at the forefront of endorsing and accrediting membership to the organisation in the future.“International trends have seen that proper education enhances professionalism and provide for a career in the property management sector,” Groenewald says.

He continues that the vison with the three-year course is that when it is completed application for accreditation will provide the property management professional with credentials. It will also secure competent services to the client and will eventually benefit the managing agent and the person employed with better opportunities.

The online format of the programme makes it accessible to applicants anywhere in the country. The introductory programme will run from February to November next year and application can already be made. The cost of the course is R25 000. For more information or to register, contact Marinda Prinsloo at 012 434 2559 or email It is also possible to enrol online. Click here to find out more about these options.

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