Day: January 31, 2019

Proptech and the real estate industry

Property technology or proptech isn’t a new concept, but what started as a trickle with the introduction of online search portals a decade ago, has since become a wave of disruptive solutions and cutting-edge technologies that have steadily been transforming the way in which real estate business is conducted at every level.

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Why is it so hard to find new estate agents?

In many countries the real estate industry offers an opportunity for anyone who is hard-working and ambitious to make a good income. South Africa has been no exception, yet the number of registered estate agents is on the decline. Why is so hard to find new estate agents?

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Financing eco-friendly container homes

At face value, prefabricated, container homes would appear to be the perfect solution for South Africa: quick turnaround times; economically viable; and perhaps most importantly, eco-friendly. So why has this trend not gained traction?

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