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Elaine Chetty

Seeff Richards Bay

What are your top three secrets to success?

  1. Goal setting – Having a clear goal clears up the ‘fog’ and allows you to concentrate on those activities that get you closer to your goal.
  2. Time management – We all have 24 hours in a day. It’s up to us to make the most of the available working hours. Planning my day the night before gives me a sense of accomplishment and also a head start in the morning. Obviously we encounter issues each hour that we need to prioritise, so it can become easy to lose track of time in a day. I tend to focus on my productivity so I delegate where I can and have a to-do list next to my workstation.
  3. Speed – In our industry, you need to have a finger on the pulse mentality. You cannot drift along as you will certainly be chewed up and spat out given the nature of our competitive Industry. Clients pay top commissions and expect top service, so I tend to focus on knowing more than my competitors on legal, industry and local matters, and I pass this on to my clients with speed. In this technologically advanced world in which we live, clients expect instant gratification, so if you are ‘slow’ to assist or give feedback, you are perceived as someone who renders bad service.

What is the one thing you wish someone had taught you or told you when you first started out in property and why?

I wish someone had told me that the real estate industry is a 24/7 job. I am not shy to work hard, however there is a misconception out there that being a real estate agent is a part-time job. I joined thinking I will have loads of time to spend with my family and friends after signing up deals in this ‘part-time’ job – and I was rudely awakened. I soon found out that this is far from the truth. I cannot afford to switch off completely, and fortunately I enjoy the buzz.

What is the most vital business tool that estate agents should have at their disposal in today’s market and why?

A reputable CRM software. This makes dealing with clients easier as you have the software to prompt you daily. Keeping clients happy takes you a long way in this industry, so it is vital that one always stays in touch with clients.

Do you remember the first property you sold? Please tell us about it.

Yes. I signed the client up on the bonnet of my car at 7pm after a viewing. They liked the property so I didn’t want to lose the opportunity. I still smile when thinking about that moment.

What advice would you give to new kids on the block about making a success in their career in property?

Delight your clients as you will eventually learn that your repeat clients and networks will keep you in this industry. This is not a sprint, so spend extra time on building relationships with your clients.

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