What are your top three secrets to success?
I am passionate about property and love what I do. I listen to my clients and look after them because I know that if I don’t, someone else will. I make them feel that I care and that they can trust me. Integrity is essential. Hard work – always being available, no matter the time. I’ve learnt to balance this by taking time out for myself on a regular basis.
What is the one thing you wish someone had taught you or told you when you first started out in property and why?
I didn’t realise how important it is to market yourself and let everybody know what you’re doing and where you’re working. Networking is vital.
What is the most vital business tool that estate agents should have at their disposal in today’s market and why?
My cellphone (not my computer) to make personal contact with my clients and not rely on email alone. I keep in constant contact on a long-term basis as well as with my current clients, to ensure that all clients know they matter.
Do you remember the first property you sold? Please tell us about it.
It was a little two-bedroom apartment on the third floor in a complex in Sherwood, for R440 000 in 2008. The buyers were a young couple about to be married. It was the first property I showed them. I was about to say goodbye when they said they wanted to put in an offer. I took the offer sitting in my car, presented it to the seller there and then and he accepted straight away. I thought selling houses was easy! The next property I sold took five offers and five months to conclude. I subsequently sold two more properties to that first young couple as they grew their family.
What advice would you give to new kids on the block about making a success in their career in property?
Always be there – this is a 24/7 job. Attend all the training you can get. Know your stock – never miss out on a valuation or viewing. There is no substitute for hard work, but it is very rewarding and doesn’t feel like work when you enjoy it. Don’t chase the money – just look after your clients and the money will follow soon enough.